#facesofimpactcity: Prashant Shukla
16 January 2017
Prashant Shukla
In the #facesofimpactcity series we ask impact makers in The Hague about their drive to make an impact. In this week’s #facesofimpactcity: Prashant Shukla
‘When I grew up in India, I always felt close to my hometown community. People in my neighborhood interacted with and looked after each other. Having now called The Hague my home for nearly nine years, I have yet to experience this community closeness and I miss it.
I thought of an idea that connects neighbors and simultaneously tackles a challenge the municipality of The Hague faces: waste on the streets. We’re working together on a solution that involves an app that helps neighbors to communicate with each other and motivates them to act on their increasing sense of responsibility toward the environment.
It provides the necessary information about waste collection and it allows you to notify your neighbors and the municipality when the (ORAC) containers are full or clogged. If you want to get rid of still usable items you can easily offer it to your neighbors using the app. By sharing information about trash and reusable items, the app will let neighbors connect and work together for a cleaner city!’