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19 februari 17:00 - 19:00

The Handshake with Claire Barnhoorn, CEO of Solvoz

Humanity Hub, Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland

Join us for the next edition of the Handshake featuring Claire Barnhoorn, the CEO and founder of Solvoz. This event takes place at the Hague Humanity Hub on February 19th, 17.00-19.00.

Are you considering a career focused on humanitarian efforts, sustainable supply chains, or tackling the SDGs with innovative approaches? Or perhaps you know you want to make a positive impact through your work and are curious to discover what those fields even look like and how to get into them. Either way, you have come to the right place!

Whether you are a student or a young professional we invite you to join ‘The Handshake’: an event series where we are joined by senior figures from the world of peace & justice and “for good” sectors to reveal the ins and outs of their careers and network with young talent! There will be moderated conversation, time for Q&As from the audience, and networking.

For this session we are joined by a seasoned professional in humanitarian work, CEO and founder of  Solvoz: Claire Barnhoorn!

Introducing Claire:

Claire Barnhoorn has an academic background in development and humanitarian action. She has two decades of work experience with various organisations including Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and collaborations with NGOs and UN agencies globally. Beyond that, she has done amazing work with bringing innovation into humanitarian work and her efforts at Solvoz earned high recognition by winning the Best Innovation Award at ImpactFest 2024.

She is joining the Handshake to share insights from her career and how to navigate opportunities in the humanitarian aid and development sector and shed light on the role of innovation and entrepreneurship for social impact. Particularly valuable will be her input on the future of the sector and navigating the ecosystem of impact work from the perspectives of the various roles she has held over the years and in particular her current work as founder and CEO of the social enterprise platform Solvoz.

Practical information

When: February 19th, 17.00-19.00

Where: The Hague Humanity Hub

Costs: Free of charge

Previous Handshake editions:

Read about our previous editions of the Handshake here.

The Handshake with Claire Barnhoorn, CEO at Solvoz

